
Islah Academy was founded in 2014 by Imam Jihad Saafir and the South LA Muslim Community. Its purpose was to give the children in the Inner City a safe learning environment in which they could learn the Islamic principles and academic knowledge necessary to succeed in their growth. Islah Academy is a cutting-edge school in its implementation of Restorative Justice as a tool to break the School-to-Prison Pipeline.


Our mission to provide high-quality, culturally relevant and responsive curriculum is dedicated to preparing our children with extraordinary academic standards that promote moral character, cultivate 21st Century skill sets and produce scholars with strong commitment to social and civic responsibility.


Islah Academy aspires to be a community of life-long learners in an encouraging environment of success through Islamic instruction impacting positive change in the Los Angeles area.

Meet the Staff

Azizah Ali


Garland Bush

Vice Principal

Dr. Jihad Saafir

Director and Arabic Instructor

Asma Johnson

Teacher Support

Saidah Salam

Kindergarten and 1st grade

Nicolette Refuerzo

1st and 2nd grade

Star Amos

5th and 6th grade

Tariq Ali

Math, Science, and Arabic

Islah Academy Board Members

Katrina Hamilton Hasan, M.Ed


Dr. Rasul Miller

Co Vice-Chair

Sharyn Muhammad


Kameelah Waheed Wilkerson


What is a Microschool

Islah Academy is a Microschool, which is a form of schooling that offers students a personalized education and caters to a child’s unique needs and capabilities. Because the class sizes are small, students receive far more individualized attention than they would receive in a traditional school. Microschools are generally more affordable than private schools but can cater to a child’s specific needs better than public schools. Many students thrive in this type of education setting.

Schoolwide Learning Outcomes

“The acquisition of knowledge is a duty incumbent on every Muslim, male and female.” -Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Itqan - Islamic Curriculum

Itqan emphasizes character building lessons integrated with the Islamic sciences.
Children will be required to implement the theories learned in the classroom.
Traditional methods of memorization will be blended with contemporary and best-teaching practices.
Children will learn valuable Islamic principles that will help them to be well-rounded productive citizens of society.

Our Students Learn To Be:

  • Strong in moral character
  • Confident and self-aware
  • Critical Thinkers
  • Problem Solvers
  • Concerned with community and social justice
  • Globally Competitive